LIBRA PROJECT: The Future of Green Energy

5 min readApr 6, 2021


By Andrew Rowlstone, CEO, Libra Project

The planet has been in a dark place for quite some time, but this last year has been particularly brutal. The global pandemic added considerable strain to economies and political systems already stressed by an ongoing climate crisis and other externalities.

But now there is light at the end of the tunnel — and much of that light is powered by renewable energy.

As the world prepares to build back better, Libra Project — a family of three business entities on three continents — is poised to lead a dynamic energy and investing resurgence, one that will help secure the global health and prosperity of the planet, and reward conscientious, savvy investors.

Libra Project is a purpose-driven, profit-minded global power supplier and investment platform. By amassing renewable energy plants all over the developing world and utilizing cutting-edge technology to democratize the impact-investing space, Libra Project is ‘The Future of Green Energy’.

Four years into development, Libra Project is now ready to officially launch onto the market with our first 20 renewable-energy facilities spread across three countries: Thailand, Nepal, and the Philippines, and plans are in the works to acquire additional facilities in other regions.

Libra Project is guided by three principles that align with the sustainability-focused Triple Bottom Line:

1) To demonstrably improve the lives of millions worldwide via renewable energy, using a profit-driven business model that does not rely on government subsidies

2) To help advance the Sustainable Development Goals (aka the SDGs), the UN’s “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”

3) To catalyze and democratize impact investing through a secure, transparent, and auditable software platform that provides real-time updates on financial performance and impact data reporting to project owners, operators, regulators, and investors.

Clean Energy for the Developing World

Leading scientists and experts have warned that we now have less than 10 years to take drastic action to reverse both the causes and effects of global warming and climate change before we face irreversible and devastating consequences.

While there is emphatic agreement among such experts from the public and private sectors, civil society, and academia, there is little discussion about how developing nations are supposed to progress without traditional, “dirty” sources of electricity, such as coal and fossil fuels.

But at the Libra Project, we have a solution that can power and support the developing world.

It is our intention to build a global utility by acquiring scores of renewable-energy plants across South and Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, thus powering the developing world with clean energy and proven technologies.

Our unmatched expertise is in identifying existing, distressed small-to-medium scale renewable power plants, in seven areas of renewable energy, which are:

● Solar

● Wind

● Waste-to-Energy (WtE)

● Biomass

● Hydropower

● Geothermal

● Waste Heat Recovery

Once acquired on behalf of our investors and shareholders, each facility will be upgraded and revamped, to assemble a global, profitable grid of good, clean, local energy. For this reason, we believe that each facility will be profitable upon acquisition and turn-up. Moreover, unlike many other renewable investments, Libra Project will not be reliant upon public-sector assistance to reach or maintain profitability.

Advancing the SDGs

Libra Project is attempting to build a network of profitable, clean-energy power plants around the developing world to deliver renewable energy to the Global South.

And whereas the byproducts of dirty energy are…

● greenhouse gas emissions and pollution;

● increasingly warmer planetary temperatures; and

● the destruction of terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems

… the byproducts of our clean-energy initiative are residual positive impacts on other critical sustainable categories, from Health and Education to Gender Equality and Clean Water, among others.

Libra Project’s commitment to the SDGs and to providing renewable energy has also gained us exclusive acceptance into the United Nations Global Compact — a pact of businesses around the world committed to sustainable practices.

Democratizing & Catalyzing Impact Investing via Blockchain

The Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain offer so much promise for the investing arena, and yet relatively few entities have embraced those possibilities the way Libra Project has.

We are implementing IoT and proven blockchain technologies to provide full transparency of all Libra Project investments

Investors will also have access to a dashboard, which will give them real-time updates and news about the projects.

Libra Project is also breaking ground in the digital-security space: just last month the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) recognized ‘Libra Impact Ledger Technologies Ltd’ as the first company on the public register to digitalize securities (click ‘deemed securities’)

This makes Libra Project the first renewable-energy utility globally to be recognized as a digital security registered in the UAE, which is, of course, a hotbed of innovation in the renewable energy space.

We are also creating new opportunities for investors in the United States by preparing to issue the first compliant renewable-energy security token in partnership with Tritaurian Capital, Incorporated (“Tritaurian”). Tritaurian is the first U.S. regulated broker-dealer to be approved by FINRA to issue private-placement securities utilizing blockchain technology. Tritaurian is committed to revolutionizing the financial sector using blockchain technology to enhance compliance and provide a true democratization of the sector allowing access for all to investments like Libra Project.

It is this kind of innovation that has helped Libra Project receive accolades from entities such as the TADS Awards — “TADS” stands for Tokenized Assets and Digital Securities. Libra Project was one of 10 winners at the inaugural TADS Awards presentation last fall, winning the Best-in-Class award for ESG/SDG tokens.

As Libra Project team members look ahead, we are excited by the opportunity to create a purpose-driven, profit-minded global power supplier and investment platform. We intend to develop the ‘Green Energy Utility of the Future’, and we invite you to join us. By making an early investment in the Libra Project, investors are truly contributing to the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Profit.

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Libra Project is a purpose-driven, profit-minded global power supplier and investment platform.